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Dernière mise à jour : 26 avr. 2019

Today we are visiting the Jewish district and the entire Jewish Museum. It's not a beautiful day : it's cloudier and colder than yesterday so we need to wear a scarf and gloves. We begin the day with the visit of a Neo-Gothic synagogue : the Maisel Synagogue. It's more a museum than a cult place, I'm learning a lot about the history of Jewish people in Bohemia thanks to an innovative exhibition. After this visit, we are going to the Pinkas Synagogue. Boys have to wear a kippa, it's so unusual for us so we take a lot of pictures. This synagogue shelters a memorial for Jewish citizen who suffered from Nazi persecutions ; on the wall, we can see names of the victims. It's very touching, we can't imagine what they have been through. Otherwise, it's really minimalist, there isn't many settings : it makes these events more harrowing. Behind this synagogue, there is the Old Jewish Cemetery. Once again the scene is moving, seeing all these headstones reminds us the horror of war. Then, we are going to the Spanish Synagogue, this one is my favorite. It's so meticulous, the stain-glass windows are marvellous and the domes are grandiose.

After being amazed, it's time to eat ! Many of us want to eat at mcdonald, so we look for a nearby one. We eat on the spot and next we also stroll in the street, it's really cool.

Next, we visit the astronomical clock that we saw yesterday. We climb at the top of the tower and we have a wonderful view on the square and the all town. To climb we can use such a beautiful glass elevator ! Then we keep on visiting the town and we go to a big shopping center. We have a free time in, it's time to spend our money !! This shopping mall is so immense that people can get lost in ! I love this moment that we share together...

We go back earlier to the hotel, it's a good thing because we did a lot of walking...

At the hotel it's shower time, then eat time and after of course game time... Once more it's a great evening, we laugh a lot (but maybe too much for the neighbours..!)



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